Utopia Genesis Goes DeFi with a New SushiSwap Liquidity Pool, and a 3500 SUSHI Developer Bounty

Utopia Genesis Foundation
2 min readDec 20, 2020


Following a blockbuster IEO on Bitfinex — Utopia Genesis Chief Strategy Officer, Daniele Sestagalli, is bringing UOP to DeFi.

In a push to support the ethos of decentralization and ensure community access and participation in the UOP ecosystem, Sestagalli is personally pre-seeding a ETH/UOP liquidity pool on SushiSwap and leading the charge on a proposal to have a UOP LP Farm, “The Party Boat”, included on the “Menu”.

Access the UOP/ETH pool on SushiSwap here: https://sushiswap.fi/token/0xe4ae84448db5cfe1daf1e6fb172b469c161cb85f

Track token contract here: https://etherscan.io/address/0xe4ae84448db5cfe1daf1e6fb172b469c161cb85f

The UOP Token, which is the main currency for the Utopia Open Platform, will ensure settlements are processed properly and committed to the ledger authentically. With the launch of the Utopia Open Platform, all applications running on the network will be required to pay for services using UOP, and the token will also be used for

  • initiating the launch of a crowdfunded project
  • Creation of Tokenized Song Royalties
  • participating in the crowdfunding of projects
  • remitting royalty payments
  • access real-time music consumption data from the Utopia Music AG platform
  • smart contract deployment

With the expected launch of the Genesis DAO and Staking platform, the Utopia Genesis Foundation has launched a campaign to accelerate the distribution of UOP tokens and allow more people to participate in the new and unique opportunities presented by music tokenization and ownership economy.

To do so, the Utopia Genesis Foundation has initiated a new 3500 SUSHI bounty for a contract that would allow participants into the ETH/UOP SushiSwap pool and for the staking of LP tokens in the Party Boat farm.

Get in touch here.



Utopia Genesis Foundation

We believe in unlocking the music industry’s full potential by unifying it all in one holistic space. We call it Utopia — Where music lives. utopiagenesis.com